CALS-Affiliate, Nicole Albada, receives Hybrid Online Technology Grant (HOT) for Teaching

Dr. Nicole Albada received the teaching grant for the aging insight videos project for her Adult Development and Aging course (PSY 151). 

April 14, 2024

Dr. Nicole Albada received the HOT grant for a video project in producing a series of 15 minute pre-recorded, edited videos of older adults discussing their experiences of agingThese videos will include interviews with older adults, the challenges they face, and the promises that aging holds, which are difficult for young adults to envision. Intertwined with the course concepts, students will respond to these videos and think critically about the messages older adults are sending.

In introducing students to age-related gains and losses in cognition, social relationships, personality, and emotion, Dr. Albada hopes that this video project will give her students a chance to think about their own aging, contemplating the passing of time in a more personal way by having them hear from older adults themselves.