Socioecology of Social Aging Conference

Register for this free Conference to learn more about the Socioecology of Aging

October 17, 2024

Nic Thompson González and Stephanie Fox, CALS-affiliated faculty in UCSB's Department of Anthropology are hosting a one-day conference on the Socioecology of Social Aging, Thurs Oct 17th in Mosher Alumni Hall to explore the social dynamics of aging from a cross-cultural and cross-species perspective. The conference promises a fantastic lineup of speakers from all over the world. Questions they will addressing include: What causes our social lives to change with age? How do they change differently for males and females, men and women? Can our social lives make us resilient to the aging process? Attendance in free and can be in person or via Zoom. View the conference program at the link below or find out more by registering with the link here.