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CALS-affiliated faculty exploring psychological aspects of aging are answering wide-ranging questions about changes in human cognition, behavior, and emotional well-being with increasing age. Researchers are exploring changes in hormones during the midlife transition to menopause and variability in brain structure and function. They explore the link between remembering one’s personal past and present-day well-being, and are examining how new technologies, like virtual reality, can be used to bridge communication gaps between older adults in assisted living facilities and their family members living far away, as well as technologies to assist with aging-related vision loss. 

Affiliated Researchers

Department Chair and Professor
Virtual reality with older adults in assisted living to communicate with family living far away; reminiscence therapy
Director for Education and Outreach, CALS
Associate Teaching Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences
Functions of autobiographical memory across adulthood and cultures, and relations to psychological well-being
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Migration, discrimination, stratification and health in older adults; Mexican Family Life Survey
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Psychological and Brain Sciences
Age-related vision loss and accessible technologies
Assistant Professor, Chicana & Chicano Studies
Immigration and sociology of mental health
Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Communication
Empowering individuals across the lifespan
Distinguished Professor, Anthropology
Associate Director, Broom Center for Demography
Human life course and the biodemography of aging
Professor Emeritus, Physics
Maximizing bone health and detection of age-related bone loss. Development of biofeedback systems to reduce chronic pain, anxiety, and insomnia in aging individuals.
Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Politics of eldercare in aging societies with a focus on Japan
Associate Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Effects of menopause and age-related reproductive hormone changes on dementia and cognition
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Revealing the fundamental principles of healthy and pathological aging with artificial intelligence (AI)
Computer Science
Biomolecular Science and Engineering
Understanding aging processes from analysis of brain data
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Age-related changes in physical abilities and accessible technologies
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Life-span analysis of the molecular mechanisms of cognitive impairment caused by environmental insults and targeting pharmacotherapeutics for its reversal